Wright's Prek Scholars


Welcome to Ms. Wright's Prek Classroom. We will have lots of fun this year. We will learn a lot this year in spite of the very unique way of learning.

Class Info

Prekindergarten Whitehaven Elementary School

Teacher: Ms. Lamonica Wright, ED.S

Teacher Assistant: Mrs. Marjorie Dantzler

Family Service Worker: Lashundra Higginbottom

Principal: Mr. Tommie Elliott

School Phone Number: 901-416-7431

Teacher info: Remind (see contact info session)

Virtual Prek Classroom

The virtual Classroom Platform will be Microsoft Teams. Please make sure this app is downloaded to your Device once picked up.

Prek Classrooms will work closely with families in order to help our students be successful. The Prek Day will be flexible, but full of learning oppourtunities. Students will learn in a variety of ways, including Whole Group, Small group, Individual learning, use of websites and learning progams.


Your child's schedule will be personalized and Learning will take place either with the Teacher and Assisant or with Family guided Practice. Your Schedule will provide specific days for Small group, indivudual learning, and Family guided practice.



More Infomation will be forthcoming regarding Schedules, the Prek Day, testing, and Device and learning kit pick up!


Device Pick Up/Orientation

Device pick up and Learning kits will be available for pick up Septemer 14-18

Teacher will contact Parents via phone to provide information on Device Pick up, Orientation, and testing!

Please wait for teachers to contact you. If contact information has changed since you put in your prek application, please call Whitehaven Elementary School to provide current contact info. Leave message for your child's teacher.


Educationally Yours, heart

Ms. L. Wright, ED.S